
Technology is at the center of business change, enabling organizations to transform their business and operating models and respond nimbly to competitive threats.

Our latest thinking

How Microsoft built a new mobility model for cross-border talent

Learn how professionals from EY and Microsoft challenged old assumptions about workforce mobility, creating a forward-thinking and data-rich platform.

How do you steady the course of your IPO journey in a changing landscape?

EY Global IPO Trends Q1 2024 provides insights, facts and figures on the IPO market and implications for companies planning to go public. Learn more.

How GenAI changes the way CPG and retail operate — and consumers too

As generative AI for business takes-off so do generative AI business use cases for retail and CPG. But GenAI will change consumer behavior too. Learn more.

How to navigate global trends in Artificial Intelligence regulation

Learn why the AI regulatory approach of eight global jurisdictions have a vital role to play in the development of rules for the use of AI.

How can the vantage of space give you strategic advantage on Earth?

Satellite data offers incredible possibilities. Find out more and seize new opportunities for your organization. Learn more.

Is the digital home immune to the cost-of-living crisis?

Despite financial pressures, few households are economizing on digital home services. Read more.

How emerging technologies can usher in the dawn of pervasive intelligence

“Pervasive intelligence” will emerge through a massively distributed, digital connectivity and cloud fabric that will transform our economy. Find out more.

Why enabling AI’s full value requires top-down thinking

To realize AI’s full potential, companies should develop AI capability in a way that is integrated and top down. Read more.

Do you need a new digital path to reach the new digital customer?

Customers are changing faster than enterprises can track them. Organizations need to become more data-centric to catch up. Learn more.

Transfer pricing planning and operating model effectiveness

Our tax team can help you develop an effective operating model and transfer pricing policies that help your business achieve its potential. Learn more.

How do you harness the power of people to double transformation success?

Read about how EY and the University of Oxford explored the emotional cost of failed transformations and what it takes to get them right.

How APAC financial services leaders can accelerate tech transformation

APAC financial services are facing new challenges and opportunities for tech transformation. Discover what’s working and what’s holding organizations back.

The CIO Imperative: Is your technology moving fast enough to realize your ambitions?

Data centricity can be an insight engine that unlocks operational, customer and market data value, according to EY’s 2022 Tech Horizon survey. Read more

Metaverse: Could creating a virtual world build a more sustainable one?

The metaverse brings both new opportunities and concerns for sustainability. Find out what role businesses must play in shaping its impact on the planet.

Metaverse: 5 questions shaping the next frontier of human experience

The convergence of physical and digital in the metaverse presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses, governments and society. Learn more.

How to inspire the next generation of women in STEM

Using gamified learning and content from world-renowned providers, the EY STEM App opens up a world of possibilities for girls. Learn more.

How to factor geopolitics into technology strategy

The EY CEO Imperative Study reveals a crucial gap in CEOs’ understanding of how geopolitical risks will impact their digital agendas. Learn more.

The CEO Imperative: Rebound to more sustainable growth

Planning to rebound to an “old normal” is not an option. CEOs must reimagine their strategies for long term value creation. Learn how.

How can today’s leaders realize tomorrow’s opportunities?

The pandemic demands a new DNA for business success. By embracing three interconnected value drivers CEOs can reorient for transformation. Find out how.

How quantum computing will improve tax administration and compliance

New-generation supercomputers might better calculate the steering effect of taxes worldwide. Governments and companies alike would benefit.

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    Our team

    Hyong Kim

    EY Global Consulting Deputy Vice Chair
    Transformative age thought leader. Data-fueled. Bold. Passionate about inclusion and helping others achieve the unimaginable. Catalyst.
    New York, USA

    Beatriz Sanz Sáiz

    EY Global Consulting Data and AI Leader
    Game-changer, thought leader in analytics and customer centricity. Named a Top Talent Executive Under 40 by AMROP, IESE and Royal House. Mom, film lover, champion for women in tech and the workforce.
    Madrid, ESP

    Nicola Morini Bianzino

    EY Global Chief Technology Officer
    Putting technology at the heart of the global EY organization across service lines and markets. Neural networks pioneer. Innovator. AI and machine learning thought leader. Former elite athlete.
    Palo Alto, USA

    Cathy Cobey

    EY Global Trusted AI Consulting Leader
    Thought leader in digital trust. Advocate of women in technology. Lover of good food. Film festival enthusiast. Avid learner. Parent.
    Toronto, CAN

    Selma Turki

    EY EMEIA Consulting Center Cognitive Solutions Leader
    Cognitive solutions and technology enthusiast. Passionate about helping clients reinvent their business. Life coach. Women in Emerging Tech contributor. Runner, art and photography amateur.
    Diegem, BEL

    Paul Brody

    EY Global Blockchain Leader
    Leader of blockchain technology. Proficient in mobile technologies, business strategy and internet of things.
    Palo Alto, USA

    Richard Watson

    EY Global and Asia-Pacific Cybersecurity Consulting Leader
    Public speaker. Trusted advisor on cyber risk and digital trust. Golfer, traveler and dad.
    Sydney, AUS

    David Lindop

    EY Global Consulting Chief Data Officer
    Unlocking the power of data. Passionate about sustainability and ESG. Enjoys playing and listening to music, as well as spending time in nature. Scuba diver and martial arts enthusiast.
    London, GBR
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